“Yudhishthira Finds the Kauravas in Heaven”
- Summary:
- When Yudhishthira entered heaven, he saw the Kauvaras there. They were all very much at peace and welcoming of Yudhishthira, but he was confused to see them in heaven. The gods explained that they were here because all of them died on sacred land that automatically ascends them to heaven. Unfortunately, while the Kauvaras were in heaven, the other Pandavas and Draupadi were not. They were in hell, so Yudhishthira left to go to them.
- Summary:
- Yudhishthira arrived in hell and heard his brothers’ and Draupadi’s cries. The gods asked Yudhishthira if he was ready to return to heaven, but he did not want to leave without his family. He then received a vision of literally everything - everything on earth and every life, every possibility and every dimension, past and future. He became enlightened. So, he could not stay in hell; instead he ascended past the heavenly realm of the gods to the highest heaven where Vishnu lives.
Bibliography: Tiny Tales from the Mahabharata by Laura Gibbs, Part D
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