After checking the progress chart and comparing it with where I am at, overall I am in a good place grade-wise with this class. But, when you take a closer look at my weekly progress, admittedly it could use some work. Of all the assignments we have, I most enjoy the reading assignments. The reason for this is because apart from the actual stories, which I do also enjoy, I can easily work ahead for the week by knocking out both readings on Mondays. My weekly routine for doing assignments is pretty similar week to week, where I finish Tuesday and Wednesday assignments on Mondays, but sometimes I get behind when I have a really busy week and therefore cannot work ahead. This has been especially true these last few weeks. It has been difficult for me to keep up with my schedule as the end of the week nears. I used to have everything done by Fridays at the latest, but recently I have not been finishing my weekend assignments until Sunday afternoon. Workings on an assignments a couple of hours before it is due makes me nervous, so I would like to avoid falling behind in these upcoming weeks. However, that is easier said than done, so I will try my best, but I can't promise myself anything.
As for the other assignments, I have actually really enjoyed working on my project and look forward to growing my storybook more in these upcoming weeks. But also, there are the extra credit assignments... Going into this semester, I was adamant on doing as many extra credit options as possible every week, but in hindsight that is just not realistic for me to do with the schedule that I have. Sometimes I become too busy to finish my priority assignments early, let alone work on optional assignments. It is a bummer though. I did a couple of extra credit assignments way back in week 2 that I had fun working on, but I just have not had the time to be able to more since that week. Or, I have simply forgotten about extra credit until Sunday rolls around, and by then I just want to relax and take what little of the weekend there is left to myself. I am not going to try to push myself to do at least one extra credit per week, but if I do finish on-time according the schedule set for myself, like I am hoping to do these next few weeks, then I will consider doing an extra credit assignment.
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